

What’s a Rich Text element?

The rich text element allows you to create and format headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, images, and video all in one place instead of having to add and format them individually. Just double-click and easily create content.


Reduce Risk

Standardise inspection, reporting and repair processes to improve quality standards and asset stability.

Gain Visibility

Capture data digitally to the cloud to avoid administrative errors, missing or losing updates.

Automate Workflow

Automate workflows to apply escalations and approval processes that guarantee performance.

Analyse Performance

In-built analytics allow you to "zoom out" on data to get a view on inspections across sites, assets or equipment and drill down directly on reports to individual assets or inspections.

Save Time

Save time searching, printing and scanning documents. Our visually rich digital interface makes even the most complex inspection processes seamless.

Refine Process

Capture technician feedback on inspection processes or documents in-field to implement further improvement.

Integrate Systems

Connection with your CMMS data provides seamless integration with work orders, and ability to raise notifications in-field.

Go Mobile

The mobile interface removes unnecessary effort searching documents, and makes it quick and easy to record and track cracks at the asset.


Simple, yet powerful crack and defect recording

3D models of structural components are used to mark the precise location of cracks and defects in 3D space. Photos and other data can be also be associated with each identified crack or defect providing a detailed history of asset condition and repair. Individual inspectors and repairers get a personalised view of the work they need to perform, take the information they need into the field and have access to it even if they are offline.